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Migration from 1.x

This migration guide is for migration from web3.js 1.x to web3.js 4.x.

Breaking Changes

Passing callbacks to functions is no longer supported, except for event listeners.

Not Implemented or Exported

  • extend Extending web3 modules functionality is not implemented
  • web3.bzz Package for interacting with Swarm is not implemented
  • web3.shh Package for interacting with Whisper is not implemented

const web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider);

It will not have:

// web3.bzz is NOT available
// web3.shh is NOT available
// web3.extend is NOT available

Defaults and Configs

  • givenProvider default value is undefined instead of null
  • currentProvider default value is undefined instead of null (if web3 is instantiated without a provider)

Web3 BatchRequest

const batch = new web3.BatchRequest();


In 1.x nothing was returned, in 4.x returns a deferred promise which can be used to run specific code after completion of each respective request.

// in 1.x
web3.eth.getBalance.request('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 'latest', callback),

// in 4.x

const request1 = {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
id: 10,
method: 'eth_getBalance',
params: ['0xf4ffff492596ac13fee6126846350433bf9a5021', 'latest'],
const request2 = {
jsonrpc: '2.0',
id: 12,
method: 'eth_getBalance',
params: ['0xdc6bad79dab7ea733098f66f6c6f9dd008da3258', 'latest'],
const request2Promise = batch.add(request2);
request2Promise.then(response => {


In 4.x execute returns a promise, where 1.x was based on the callbacks of requests passed to add.

// in 1.x

// in 4.x
const responses = await batch.execute();


All the re-useable types which were earlier been exposed from web3 package are now moved to independent package web3-types package.


We don't encourage using the @types/web3 package.

// Provider types
// in 1.x
import type { Provider, Callback, JsonRPCResponse } from 'web3/providers';

// in 4.x
import type {
Web3BaseProvider as Provider,
Web3ProviderRequestCallback as Callback,
} from 'web3-types';

Similarly some useable types from the old package web3-core are also moved to web3-types

// in 1.x
import type { Transaction, TransactionReceipt } from 'web3-core';

// in 4.x
import type { Transaction, TransactionReceipt } from 'web3-types';


Starting 4.x releases, the package web3-core-helpers will not be maintained and the formatters are now moved to the web3-core package.

// in 1.x
import { formatters } from 'web3-core-helpers';

// in 4.x
import { formatters } from 'web3-core';


Starting 4.x releases, the package web3-core-promievent will not be maintained and the class are now moved to the web3-core package.

// in 1.x
import Web3PromiEvent from 'web3-core-promievent';

// in 4.x
import { Web3PromiEvent } from 'web3-core';

The PromiEvent class does not support removeEventListener or addEventListener. Instead we recommend to use on and off.